Happy New Year!

Out with the Old & In with the New!

I love the New Year, it is the beginning of a new chapter, an opportunity for a fresh start. If you are like many people and have found this year 2016, to be particularly stressful you also may be relieved that it is over and are looking forward to the promise of a new tomorrow, a brighter future.

The New Year can be full of hope and the best of intentions. To leave behind the old, whether to let go of regret, rumination, grudges and behaviors that no longer serve you. Now is a great time to start anew and begin a fresh. Put the past behind you, draw a line in the sand, close that chapter of your book and begin anew, with realistic expectations and commitment to move forward.

Of course this time of year is full of New Year’s resolutions. Which are great, if they provide you with energy and passion that help you to make change.

Remember, that most people don’t make change right away. They have had many false starts, slips and relapses. However, perseverance always prevails. Just as Edison has said, he never failed, he discovered lots of ways not to invent the lightbulb. Everything we do is stepping stones to our greatest good. People who prepare to have set backs do much better in coping with such challenges when they arrive.

So if you intend to become healthier this year, for example, by quitting smoking, losing weight, increasing your physical activity etc., follow these steps:

1) Set a realistic plan,

2) Commit

3) Monitor your progress

4) Learn from the setbacks and repeat step 1, 2 and 3.

If you feel like you have over eaten at the holidays and would like to start over and begin eating healthier then, you may be interested in my  Weight Loss with Hypnosis seminar  on Saturday, January 7th 3-5pm. This will be a terrific way to pick up tips and tools as well as learn to practice self-hypnosis.

I would love to see you and your friends there! Please spread the word.

 Wishing you a Healthy, Happy & Prosperous New Year – 2107!